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Fighters may learn any skill, but weapons skills and general increased damage cost less Build Points (BP) for them to buy then any other class. Fighters get more Body Points per level than any other character class.

Scholars are primarily spell casters, and tend to choose one of the two types of magic schools as a primary school to cast. They can learn Read/Write, Read Magic, and other scholarly skills for the least amount of BP of all of the character classes. Scholars get Body Points at about half the rate of Rogues and Templars, so they are best when not in the front lines of a battle.

Templars are a mix between Fighters and Scholars, and may learn any skill, though the cost varies by what is considered to be a skill that at which a Templar is naturally adept. Templars get Body Points at the same rate as Rogues, which is half the rate of Fighters.

 Rogues can buy any skill, but increased damage while attacking from behind a foe and other "rogue-like" skills (Disarm Traps, Pick Locks, Waylay, etc) are the least expensive for Rogues. Rogues get Body Points per level at the same rate as Templars.



Amani Elves are long-lived people with pointed ears. They are descendants of Quentari Elves. Many years ago, a political rift developed in Quentari and many of the Elves moved to the Ash Forest (or the "Amani" forest in their language) in the Duchy of Ashbury in Evendarr to start anew. Since then, they have spread all over the continent. Amani Elves are friendlier and more down-to-earth than their Quentari cousins. They get along much better with other races but still do not socialize a great deal with them. In fact, some parts of the Ash Forest are closed to other races completely. Even though they socialize with other races, they rarely marry any other than their fellow Amani Elves. An Amani who falls in love with another race is not shunned from the society, but is obviously not treated with the same degree of respect by his or her fellow Amani Elves.

Amani Elves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • All Elves can buy the skills Resist Sleep and Resist Charm. Resist Charm costs three Build points for all classes. Resist Sleep costs two Build points for all classes.

  • They can buy Archery skill at half cost (round up).

  • All Elves have one less Body point than a Human character of the same class and level.

  • They cannot buy the skills Two Handed Blunt or Two Handed Sword.


Wild Elves are long-lived people with pointed ears. They live in nomadic tribes like Barbarians and share many Barbarian traits. Wild Elves are distinguished in-game by their furs, leathers, and other Barbarian clothing, even though they have pointed ears like all other Elves. Wild Elves are not treated as "real Elves" by most of the rest of the Elven race. There is no outright warring going on, but the Wild Elves often feel as if they are second-class citizens even through they generally have the rights of any other citizen. The Wild Elf society places an emphasis on hunting and tracking skills.

Wild Elves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • All Elves can buy the skills Resist Sleep and Resist Charm. Resist Charm costs three Build points for all classes. Resist Sleep costs two Build points for all classes.

  • They can buy Archery skill at half cost (round up).

  • All Elves have one less Body point than a Human character of the same class and level.

  • They cannot buy the skills Two Handed Blunt or Two Handed Sword.


Quentari elves come from the elven kingdom of Quentari.  They consider themselves to be the most civilized race; all others are barbaric in comparison.  To some degree this is true—they have the oldest culture, the greatest cities, and the most learned scholars.  It is this attitude however that makes their living with other races a problem, as no one likes being seen as inferior.  Quentari elves tend to be scholars, and it is rare to encounter a Quentari elf who does not know how to read and write.  When fighting, they tend to prefer bows and short swords, but fighting is seen as a last resort when peaceful negotiations are unsuccessful.

Quentari Elves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • All Elves can buy the skills Resist Sleep and Resist Charm. Resist Charm costs three Build points for all classes. Resist Sleep costs two Build points for all classes.

  • They can buy Archery skill at half cost (round up).


Drae are dark elves, a mysterious race that mostly lives underground, shunning sunlight.  They have jet black skin, white or silver hair, and pointed ears.  They rarely socialize with other races.  They keep to themselves and generally feel themselves to be superior to all other races. When playing a drae, the most important thing to remember is honor.  The Drae culture emphasizes honor to such a degree that a Drae who has lost honor should commit suicide as punishment before honor can be regained.  This does not mean that you cannot be an evil Drae; it merely means that you will keep your word once it is given.  If you are disgraced in any way, you will publicly do what needs to be done for your honor to be restored. Drae can have a sense of humor but must take their own actions very seriously.  There are drae entertainers (though rare) but even these regard honor as the highest attribute.

Dark Elves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • Drae have -2 Body Points in the daytime (defined as 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.).  At 6 a.m., the drae loses 2 points from their maximum Body Points (never below one Body Point), adjusting their current Body Points to match if necessary.  This means that a drae will never fall unconscious due to this penalty.  At 6 p.m., the drae’s maximum Body Points go up by exactly the same number of points that they went down the night before.  This rule cannot be used to circumvent other effects where Body Points are lost.

  • All Elves can buy the skills Resist Sleep and Resist Charm. Resist Charm costs three Build points for all classes. Resist Sleep costs two Build points for all classes.

  • They can buy Archery skill at half cost (round up).

  • They cannot use two handed Blunt weapons or two handed swords.


Stone elves have whitish skin, upturned eyebrows, and pointed ears.  Stone elves do not show emotions and as such are viewed by other races as humorless and intense.  This is part of their culture as well as being part of their race.  This restriction makes the stone elves very hard to role-play—if you cannot keep a straight face when told a funny joke, you should not be playing a stone elf. They have a natural affinity for celestial magic and make excellent celestial casters.  Although there are of course healers in their society, most stone elf casters are celestial. Mentalist:  Stone elves, like biata, have spent years honing mental skills and as such can perform certain mental abilities.  These abilities are all completely role-playing in nature.  Generally speaking, a stone elf can remove role-playing insanity based on emotions or otherwise “cure” mental damage on any willing subject.  You cannot use this ability to tell if another player is telling the truth or to have that player remember memories lost to Forget Elixirs or otherwise get around any NERO rule. A player always has the right to refuse to role-play any of these skills and can at any time decide to “break off” contact or be cured. 

Stone Elves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • All Elves can buy the skills Resist Sleep and Resist Charm. Resist Charm costs three Build points for all classes. Resist Sleep costs two Build points for all classes.


Mystic Wood elves are an eccentric race originally from the Mystic Woods in Northern Evendarr.  They are not really elves but were called that by the people who first encountered them. Mystic Wood elves have elven ears but also small horns on their foreheads.  Popular theory holds that they are descended from elven-satyr/ nymph hybrids, but this has never been proven.  Mystic Wood elves hate (or at the very least find distasteful) all forms of enslavement, from slavery and kidnapping to magical charms and alchemical controls.  For example, a Mystic Wood elf that finds a chaRM elixir will probably destroy it.  They may also attempt to break charms they find on others. Mystic Wood elf society is organized into 3 major clans, and these clans are viewed as family by the Mystic Wood elf.  Mystic Wood elves hold oaths to be extremely important.  Mystic Wood elves have two names, their “road” name which they commonly use, and their “real” name which they usually only share with their most trusted friends outside the Mystic Wood elven community.  Mystic Wood elves have a remarkably high tolerance for alcohol and love travel and adventure. For them, getting there is not half the fun, it’s all the fun.

Mystic Wood Elves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • Mystic Wood elves are natural born artisans and can buy the craftsman skill for 2 build points instead of the 3 build that it costs other races. 

  • For each level attained, a Mystic Wood elf must buy at least one skill from “Magic Skills,“ or ”Trades and Crafts,”.

  • Mystic Wood elves can also buy Resist charm for 3 build and Break Charm for 2 build. 

  • ​​As they are not elves, Mystic Wood elves do not lose 1 body and can use two handed Weapons.


Half Orcs may have at one time been Human/Orc hybrids, but they have now evolved into a race of their own. They have green skin and large lower canine teeth. Half Orcs are tougher than average and are almost always fighters. They tend to be less intelligent and should roleplay difficulty in understanding complicated subjects. Note also that Half-Orcs have a very short life expectancy compared to other races, and they mature faster, so that your starting character may only be four years old! Half Orcs regard honor in combat as the highest and most respected goal in life. They would rather die in combat than of old age, and would never be seen running from battle unless the situation was completely overwhelming. The Half Orc society is clan-based, where families and blood relations are regarded as most important. Individual Half Orcs may leave the family to adventure with other races in order to establish glory and a name for themselves.

Half Orcs: Rules and Racial Abilties

  • Half Orcs have two more body points than a Human character of the same class and level.

  • They do not take well to scholarly endeavors and have to pay twice as much for all Scholarly Skills.


Half Ogres are actually not Human/Ogre hybrids, but are a race that closely resembles the monster race Ogres in coloration and behavior, and were dubbed "Half Ogres" by those that first encountered them. They have yellow skin and large lower canine teeth. Half Ogres are tougher than average and are almost always fighters. They tend to be less intelligent and should roleplay difficulty in understanding complicated subjects. Note also that Half Ogres have a very short life expectancy compared to other races, and they mature faster, so that your starting character may only be four years old! Half Ogres are very tough fighters and they know it. It will be very rare that a Half Ogre shows any fear. They are usually first to run into battle, and will almost never run away. However, they have an innate fear of the Undead, and will have to summon up a ton of courage to fight any Zombie, Skeleton or Vampire that comes their way. Half Ogres tend to see the world in simple ways. What good is writing if you can't fight with it? They think many of the other races are spoiled and live too fancily. Half Orges would rather spend their money on new weapons and armor than on fancy homes, fancy food, or fancy clothes. Half Ogres think that the concept of nobility is the most ridiculous idea "civilized" society has to offer. In the Half Ogre tribes, the tribal leaders are the best fighters. In fact, Half Ogres are constantly fighting amongst themselves for dominance. If a Half Ogre sees another, it is likely that they will fight to establish who is dominant. The fight is never to the death, but only until one of the Half Ogres acknowledges the superiority of the other. There is never any cheating, nor are there sneak attacks in this sort of battle; there is great honor at stake in the Half Ogre community.

Half Ogres: Rules and Racial Abilties

  • Half Ogres have two more body points than a Human of the same class and level.

  • They do not take well to scholarly endeavors, and have to pay twice as much for all Scholarly Skills.


Hoblings are peaceful people, and generally are smaller than average. They have furry feet and hands, as well as bushy eyebrows and sideburns. Hoblings love working with their hands, and as such are often craftsmen. They are friendly and cheerful, have a great sense of humor, and often use their charisma to their advantage. Hoblings do not generally like adventure even though they love the treasure that can come from adventuring. Their treasure will be spent on fine food, good clothes, and a high standard of living. Their love of living well means that most Hoblings are businesspeople first. The thought of doing something for free is appalling to them, and although to some this appears to be mere laziness, in fact Hoblings consider this common sense. They are completely honest in their business dealings, however, and always keep their promises once made. However, you'd better read any contract with a Hobling very carefully, as they know all of the loopholes. They make excellent spies as long as the money keeps coming in.

Hoblings: Rules and Racial Abilties

  • Hoblings have one less body point than a Human of the same class and level.

  • They can buy Resist Toxin.

  • Hoblings cannot be fighters, and cannot use Two Handed weapons of any type.

  • Because of their aptitude, they can buy Pick Locks and Disarm Traps at half price.


Dwarves are sturdy individuals who live in mountainous regions. Dwarves in NERO are not necessarily short (remember that all players and monsters are the same size as the person playing them), but taller players should think twice about playing a dwarf. In-game, the rumor is that dwarves are the small cousins of hill giants, and so to the giants, they were seen as short. Dwarves tend to be friendly but secretive. They all have beards, although many females prefer a long goatee. Their race enjoys and appreciates good craftsmanship, especially in weapons, armor, and jewelry.  Because they live so much longer than humans, they tend to dislike the humans’ faster paced lifestyles (but they generally like the food). Dwarves have an extreme hatred of trolls who often attack and take the dwarven caves for themselves.  Their history is very lengthy but is mostly comprised of stories and legends of great dwarven heroes.  Some of these stories can take many hours or even days to tell completely, and no self-respecting dwarf would consider telling an abridged version. Dwarves are generally peaceful and have no problem with other races—although they think elves are pompous, humans are impatient, hoblings are troublemakers, and half-orcs and-half ogres are incapable of understanding the finer things in life (like a well made weapon and a fine wine).

Dwarves: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • They start with one extra body point

  • They can buy Resist poison.

  • Dwarves can buy the smithing skill for one point less.

  • They must pay double for Read Magic.​


Barbarians come from nomadic tribes and are unused to "civilized" society. They are a very superstitious lot and may often perform unusual small ceremonies to rid themselves of their "curse". ("Oh-oh! Seven Hoblings just crossed my path! Bad Luck! Now I must tie string around my finger and walk backwards for an hour!") This is not to imply that Barbarians have to be stupid - merely uncultured and somewhat primitive. In order to be identifiable as a Barbarian, you should talk poorly, dress in rough clothing or (faux?) furs/leathers, and otherwise look primitive. Although In-Game there is a rumor about Barbarians being able to go into a "berserker rage" where they can do great damage, such as skill does not exist in the NERO game. It's all roleplaying. Barbarian tribes (usually named after animals) are often very competitive and not too friendly. Barbarian tribes are very earth-friendly and, in fact, Celestial magic was unheard of by any Barbarians until the more "civilized" beings began moving into their areas. As such, Barbarians distrust Celestial magic and consider it "not natural". Barbarians fear and distrust Celestial magics and will dislike having Celestial protective spells cast upon them. This distrust only applies to Celestial protective spells, and does not apply to Celestial magic items. It should be noted that there are some characters that refuse to use Celestial magic items for roleplaying reasons of their own. This "Celestial Abstinence" is not required by the rules in any way. All players are encouraged to play their characters in any way that they consider fun. When a barbarian reaches the age of 18, s/he will ask their tribe leader for a Task of Adulthood. This Task must require an extreme amount of bravery and challenge, and may take many years to accomplish. Only when the Task is completed will the Barbarian be considered a true member of the tribe. Barbarians who switch tribes are likewise required to complete such as Task.

Barbarians: Rules and Racial Abilties

  • Barbarians can learn a limited Detect Celestial Magic which, once a day, will allow the Barbarian to determine whether an item has any Celestial magics present upon it.

  • Barbarians have two more body points than a human character of the same class and level.

  • Scholarly skills cost double for all Barbarians.


Unlike other races that are distinguished by physical features, gypsies are defined by costume, behavior, and culture.  To be a gypsy means to be boisterous, extroverted, and larger than life. Gypsies, a fiery and passionate race, love to dance and sing.  The most important aspect of gypsy life is family.  The gypsies have enormous loyalty to their people, treating each as a family member and referring to them as “brother” or “sister.” Many gypsy tribes may coexist in the same area, each being ruled by its own Bandoleer or “Prince/Princess.” There is a Gypsy King but quite often this figure is far removed from normal gypsy life and has no great influence over the local tribes.  Usually a gypsy tribe will have its own distinctive predominate color or marking, used to differentiate itself from other tribes in the area. Gypsies can bestow or remove Gypsy Curse, the use of which is limited by the Gypsy Code of Honor.  The Gypsy Code of Honor requires that a gypsy be always honest and trustworthy among members of his or her own tribe.  The gypsy will support the other tribe members and will do whatever it takes to help (including lying to, stealing from, and cursing or killing non-tribe members). The Gypsy Code of Honor means respecting the actions of fellow gypsies as well.  If a gypsy places a gypsy curse on someone, it had better be for a good reason (sometimes, the recipient might take action against the entire tribe).  If there was a good reason, then the entire tribe will support that gypsy.

Rovers: Rules and Racial Abilities


According to legend, Biata are decended from a northern Barbarian tribe, but they do not act or look likeBarbarians. They have large, upturned feathery eyebrows, and often grow feathers in their hair and claws on their fingers (the claws are decorative in nature, and cannot be used as weapons). Biata tend to be very orderly in their philosophy of life - they always act with a purpose. They will not do things "on a whim" and are always working towards some goal. To other races, this tends to make them seem like extremists - either very good or very evil - but even the most evil Biata will will have his or her own code of ethics and will never act erratically or randomly. This also makes the Biata seem very stubborn. They are also very secretive about the origins of their race, and will treat all other races as "outsiders", rarely worthy of complete trust. It is said that Biata were formed through magical mating of a Gryphon and a Human (or perhaps a Barbarian). The Gryphon Barbarian tribe was made up entirely of Biata, and until the last Great Celestial Change of 590, all Biata looked Human. Having Celestial protective spells cast upon Biata causes them great discomfort, and some will refuse to sleep behind Wards. This distrust only applies to Celestial protective spells, and does not apply to Celestial magic items. It should be noted that there are some characters that refuse to use Celestial magic items for roleplaying reasons of their own. This "Celestial Abstinence" is not required by the rules in any way. All players are encouraged to play their characters in any way that they consider fun. Biata, like Stone Elves, have spent years honing their mental skills, and as such can perform certain mental mind abilities. These abilities are all complete roleplaying in nature.

Biata: Rules and Racial Abilties

  • Biata distrust celestial magic as do Barbarians, and dislike having celestial spells cast upon them.

  • Biata cannot buy Read Magic.

  • They can buy Resist Charm, Break Charm and Resist Sleep.


Sarr are a race of felinoids and many, but not all, come from a land known as Myrr.  They live in a matriarchal society, with women outnumbering men several times over.  There are multiple clans among the Sarr, each one representing a different type of large hunting cat.  Each clan has different beliefs, leaders, history, and behaviors.  Sarr are curious, loyal, independent, and extremely proud.  Tradition is highly valued among the Sarr.  The Sarr race has an affinity for Earth Magic, but members of the Lion clan are known to be very proficient with Celestial Magic.  This does not mean that you must play a Lion if you wish to use Celestial Magic, just that you may be looked down upon by the other clans if you break from tradition. Sarr will form attachments with adventuring groups, but they will also strike out on their own in search of adventure when the urge hits them.  Do not think that Sarr are cute little fluffy house cats; they are some of the fiercest warriors of all the races.  They never forget an enemy and always seek revenge no matter how long it takes. Sarr must wear makeup to appear as one of the large hunting cats. The bottom of the nose should be dark.  Whiskers, stripes or spots may be added if appropriate.  If you play a black panther Sarr, you must wear a prosthetic cat nose, cat ears, or other additions to make it clear to all that you are not a drae.

Sarr: Rules and Racial Abilities

  • ​Scenting: Sarr have superior scenting abilities, and as such may detect an alchemical substance or disease on an item if they spend three seconds inspecting it.  This racial skill does not allow them to tell what kind of alchemical substance or disease is present.

  • Sarr may buy the skill Resist poison.

  • The only small Weapon allowable is a dagger or hatchet. All weapons must be edged.


Scavenger is a generic term used for any type not covered by other races. They are humanoids with animal-like characteristics (rat, badger, skunk, dog, etc.). Players are free to use their imagination in creating a Scavenger as long as appropriate makeup is worn, and it is obvious that you are not playing another player race. For example, you cannot be a "cat Scavenger", because there is no way Out Of Game to differentiate that race from a Sarr. Scavengers should roleplay their particular animals' characteristics: a Scavenger possum might play dead during a battle; a Scavenger dog might enjoy hunting; a Scavenger fox should be cunning. All Scavengers do not understand the concept of possessions as the other races do. They will take what they need, and share what they don't. In exchange, they of course expect others to give them what they need when they need it.

Scavengers: Rules and Racial Abilties

  • All Scavengers are very hardy survivors on the fringe of civilization. They may buy Resist Toxin.

  • As with Sarr, they have superior scenting abilities and may detect disease or poison on a substance if they spend one minute inspecting the item.

  • Scavengers must pay double cost for all Scholarly Skills.

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